by Alarey Alsip

A portrait of the modern superwoman, Emma works crazy hours as a costume designer for the Metropolitan Opera, while raising two kids almost by herself.

Her life abruptly stops when she faces death, pushing her to the edge of insanity and denial. All she wants is to go back in time, but what she really needs is help finding joy and living the present.


by Hubert Proulx

As an artistic and curious travel writer, Ray always had an excuse not to be around his kids. From his first marriage, he raised Tessa with the help of babysitters and girlfriends until he remarried Emma and had his second child Jacob.

After Emma’s break down, he is finally forced to confront chaos and try to keep his family together.


by Emelia Hellman

Abandoned by her mother as a toddler and raised by everybody but her father, Tessa’s true feelings began to surface after an accident that changes her family.

With her family in turmoil, she is obsessed with either traveling to escape her reality or staying to face it.


by Jace Rubin

Mostly a happy child, although often lonely due to his parents always being at work. Loves making Rube Goldberg machines all over the house, gets in trouble for leaving little traps everywhere.

Now, instead of machines, it’s his mother he wants to fix.


by Sara Bradeen


by Kayleigh Choiniere


by Daniel Brochu

Officer Bailey

by Jake Lewis


by Nathan Sayavong


by Lucinda Davis